
A travel and exploration-obsessed guy from India. Since Childhood, I used to get fascinated by new places, cultures, food, trains, buses, tickets to a destination, planning holidays with a map in front of me, reading about the place and its history before going, learning about greeting in different local languages, moreover reaching & experiencing the aura of different cultures, clothing, food, festivals, climate, etc. and many other flavors of that place.

When I grew up and went to college, the trips became solo or with 1 or 2 friends. I just used to take a map, think of a place & book the tickets knowing the fact that I always ran short of money and attendance, but when you love something and are passionate about it, it makes a way and somehow everything falls in place or you make it fall in place because it’s what you want from your heart. So when people used to study and enjoy college life, I used to be in a different city exploring its culture, food, feel, etc..and that too without anyone knowing this, not even my parents, as such they have never ever stopped me from doing anything as far as I am happy with it.

I finally finished college with a decent score & joined a job (Typical Indian MBA guy) and for that matter, in a span of 2 years, I changed 4 jobs in 4 different sectors altogether. The goal was just to earn and satisfy the Wanderlust. Whenever I used to get the salary, I directly used to book tickets to a destination and start planning the arrangement for leaves. While on the job, I used to ask myself, Am I Happy? Is this what I wanted to do?, Am I adding value to my life? the answers to which were NO. Finally, I decided to quit the job and do something on my own, so I started exploring options and zeroed down to exports of Handicrafts and Stoneworks.

In one of such explorations, I met someone, a madly passionate traveler from South America. I heard his story and the sentence that ‘you need passion and a bold step to live your passion and make a life worth living’, that was my Eureka moment which inspired me to get out of the cliche and take that leap of faith to follow my passion and do what I love rather than living a decorated life set up by the standards of society.

So here I am Doing what I Love and Loving what I Do. Let me clear one more thing, you need passion to live your passion, money is always secondary. I can say this because  I also belong to a middle-class family and yet I am able to fund my trips. You can always do something you are good at to make money and satisfy your passion for traveling. How I managed to fund my trips?

I would like to state one thing, Life is not meant to stay in one place but to go out and explore the amazing creation called the world. Travelling has changed my life and I want to Inspire people to travel & explore, finding their meaning in life. Don’t live the same year many times and call it a life rather travel and become rich in terms of experiences, friends, cultures, learnings, exploration, memories and the list is endless so that when you look back and reflect on your life it’s a whole bunch of happiness and experiences that would leave you amazed.