All posts filed under: Places

Giralda, Seville, Spain

Exploring and Experiencing Seville – The Jewel of Spain

This beautiful, artistic and architectural city in Southern Spain is definitely a must visit. Filled with beautiful architectural Cathedrals, palaces, narrow streets, Flamenco bars, traditional bullfight history and a lot more attraction, Seville leaves a lasting impression on you. Amongst the endless attractions, the ones which are not to be missed are : Plaza De Espana – The panoramic semi-circular and artistically curated plaza in the iconic Maria Luisa Park which was being made in 1929 for hosting Ibero American Exposition now hosts various government offices and is a very popular tourist spot in the city as it has amazing boulevards, mosaic structures, statues etc. Almost everyone visiting Seville would for sure be visiting this place. The Alcazar – Serving as one of the oldest palaces in entire Europe, Alcazar is a definite treat to the eyes. It’s been used as an inspiration for the sets of the series Game Of Thrones too. The shiny alleys and marble carved architecture make you go back in the history and admire the precision and vision of old …

Baby Elephants

BOTSWANA- Naturally African

The Landlocked Country in the South of African continent, is what we know about Botswana, and many of the people don’t even know about this country, but if you are a wildlife enthusiast, this place has a plethora to offer in terms of flora and fauna. Although, I was there just for a day trip but was enough to get awestruck by the amazing scenes it has to offer. Be it the large groups of the Great African Elephants or Tall Giraffes or Lazy Hippos or fast Leopards, the beauty of Chobe River separating Botswana and Namibia or the Migratory Birds, the list is endless. The Chobe National Park Safari is a must. Its very easy to get to Chobe National Park from Victoria Falls by road, the journey in itself is like a wildlife expedition wherein you see a lot of animals, specially Baboons and Giraffes crossing by the road. At the border between Zimbabwe and Botswana, after completing immigration and sanitizing your shoes so that they don’t contain any weeds, you enter into …