Month: May 2017

Sri Lanka, Map my Escape

Sri Lanka – The Small Paradise

Pristine Beaches, Endless Sea, Green Mountains, mesmerising train journeys, Colonial Architecture, Bustling Capital with Sources of Entertainment are the attributes which describes Sri Lanka- The Paradise Island or ‘The Wonder of Asia’. A week or 10 days is the perfect span to visit this beautiful country and have a flavour of its diverse land.There are many beautiful places stretching from North to the South. The must visit places are Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Adam’s Peak, Mirissa, Galle and Colombo. Start with Kandy, the second largest city of Sri Lanka which is a 3 to 4 hour journey from Colombo. A night or 2 is enough to visit this beautiful hilly place. The main attraction is Temple of Tooth and the Kandy Lake. Depending on the time of the year  you are travelling there, you can experience the world famous Perahera Festival which happens generally in the mid of August, I was lucky enough to experience it. The whole city is decked up with lights and the famous procession with decorated elephants takes place at around 7 …


Zimbabwe- The Country Less Explored

What’s there to see?, is the first question most of the people ask me when I talk about a trip to Zimbabwe. Surprisingly, this country is full of natural beauty and has a lot of adventurous experiences to offer. The main attraction is obviously the Victoria Falls, being situated on the Zambezi river dividing Zimbabwe and Zambia. 3 days are enough to take a good feel of this place. Start with Bulawayo, the city depicting different shades of Zimbabwe. Walking is the best way to explore this city, one can see different architectures, museums and interact with the locals, savour local delicacies and drinks. In the evening take the overnight train to Victoria Falls. This place needs no introduction, a look and a walk through it depicts the immense beauty which is a treat to the eyes. Overlooking the Zambezi River, often being called as one of the seven natural wonders of the world and the largest stretch of flowing water, it amazes you with every look at every point. Also known as Mosi-oa-Tunya (The …

Baby Elephants

BOTSWANA- Naturally African

The Landlocked Country in the South of African continent, is what we know about Botswana, and many of the people don’t even know about this country, but if you are a wildlife enthusiast, this place has a plethora to offer in terms of flora and fauna. Although, I was there just for a day trip but was enough to get awestruck by the amazing scenes it has to offer. Be it the large groups of the Great African Elephants or Tall Giraffes or Lazy Hippos or fast Leopards, the beauty of Chobe River separating Botswana and Namibia or the Migratory Birds, the list is endless. The Chobe National Park Safari is a must. Its very easy to get to Chobe National Park from Victoria Falls by road, the journey in itself is like a wildlife expedition wherein you see a lot of animals, specially Baboons and Giraffes crossing by the road. At the border between Zimbabwe and Botswana, after completing immigration and sanitizing your shoes so that they don’t contain any weeds, you enter into …

Map My escape

Picture Perfect Paris

Paris, sometimes the name is enough to give a prelude about a place or that feeling of imagination. It’s the charm and beauty of this city which brings millions of travellers here from across the globe and makes it the number 1 city in the world in terms of tourist visits. Almost everywhere you go in this city, you’ll feel like clicking a picture and capturing its beauty, that’s why I gave this blog the above title. Although 3 days are not enough to gulp in the flavours of this city but still a lot can be done and felt in this limited time. The very first day can start with the visit to Basilica Montmartre which is a beauty in itself and provides breathtaking views of this Romantic city, you can see a lot of tourists as well as local people sitting and gazing this beauty.   The next stop can be Louvre but I would recommend to visit Louvre Square/ Grounds and take a good view of the place rather than going into …